Arvometsä Forestry
Sustainable forestry
What is important to you as a forest owner? Do you value financial returns, the natural, landscape and recreational values of the forest, and diversity, or is forest protection important to you?
The values and goals of the forest owner are our starting points when planning forest management.
Forest management measures depend on the current state of the forest. Our forest expert will carry out a survey and draw up a plan that takes into account the forest owner’s goals and forest management recommendations, which will guide forest management in the coming years.
Our aim is to improve the profitability of forest ownership by finding the most profitable treatment for each forest plot. Continuous Cover Forestry is suitable for most forests, but if necessary, depending on the location and structure of the forest, we also combine other silvicultural models.
If forest protection is an important value to you, we will find out if part of your forest is eligible for a voluntary protection scheme, such as METSO or environmental support schemes, for which the forest owner receives financial compensation.
The goals and roots of our operations are in Continuous Cover Forestry. We know that with good planning, it is possible to achieve economically excellent results without compromising landscape or forest recreational values.

Why Continuous Coverage Forestry?
Continuous Coverage Forestry is a way of managing the forest in such a way that the forest remains constantly covered. The method can be applied to a wide range of forests and ages, as long as the measures can be planned correctly.
Continuous Coverage Forestry is based on top thinning. This means that every 15 to 25 years, the most economically valuable log-sized trees are felled from the forest. Smaller trees are left in the woods to grow, and they get space and light to grow and consolidate. Studies show that top thinning is the most economically viable thinning method for a forest owner and produces more valuable logs.
The biggest factor influencing the profitability of a forest owner is the cost of reforestation after clear cutting the forest. Continuous Coverage Forestry utilizes the natural regeneration of the forest. When a forest regenerates naturally, the forest owner saves on regeneration costs such as tillage and planting seedlings. Other forest management costs, such as early pruning and seedling care costs, also decrease as fewer seedlings are established and clear cutting is avoided.
In Continuous Coverage Forestry the forest remains a forest
For us in Arvometsä, the diversity of the forest is also valuable. The continuously covered forest remains a vibrant ecosystem where microorganisms and small game populations thrive, and mushrooms and berries are harvested.
Continuous Coverage Forestry also looks like a forest. The forested landscape is important for many forest owners, as the forest has been studied as a source of health and well-being for humans.
We consider it important that the forest remains diverse and refreshing for future generations – without compromising on income.