Our forest management plan is the best way to keep up-to-date on what and when to do activities in the forest. We offer forest management plans to suit your personal needs and goals as a forest owner.
We simulate different scenarios for all stands in the forest the best scenario is chosen according to the forest owners goals that can include cash-flow, value yield or biodiversity values. We can simulate different scenarios for even aged forestry and continuous cover forestry and compare the different outcomes to support decision making.

The forest management plan includes:
- Forest area and development classes
- Forest lands division to mineral soil and peat land
- Amount of timber per development class
- Amount of timber and growth by species
- All forestry activities (fellings and silvicultural works)
- Revenue and expenditure
- Fellings in cubic meters
- Development of the forest and value growth
- Inventory data
All forest management plans are quoted by our experts. Please click on CONTACT US and we will be in touch.